Electronic Musicological Review
ISSN 1415-9538
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Notes to Contributors
1. Papers may be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish. The maximum length is 15000 words, including illustrations, footnotes, and bibliography.
2. All manuscripts should be double spaced. Articles may be sent to the editors via e-mail, in format RTF or HTML.
3. Footnotes should be indicated in the text as numerals within square brackets, e.g. [1], and placed at the end of the text in numerical order. Footnote references should be in the following form:
[1] AUTHOR'S SURNAME, Name. Title in bold. Place of publication: Publisher, year. Page numbers.
4. Full bibliography should be listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order of author's names, and in chronological order for each author, in the following form:
AUTHOR'S SURNAME, Name. Title in bold. Edition. Translation. Place of publication: Publisher, year.
5. The illustrations should be indicated in the body of the text by Arabic numerals within parentheses, e.g. (FIG. 4). Originals should be sent to the editors via e-mail, in format TIF, GIF or JPG.
6. If copyright material is to be reproduced, authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder before the paper is sent.
7. All papers should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 300 words.
8. A brief curriculum vitae of the author, of no more than 150 words, should be included.
9. The authors are solely responsible for the content of their articles.
10. Submissions will be analyzed by the EMR Editorial Board.